Книги в Телеграмме 4: ислам

В 2013 г. Институт Исмаилитских Исследований с I.B.Tauris начал издавать Shii Heritage Series. Editorial Board: F. Daftary (general ed.), M.De Cillis (managing ed.), G. Miskinzoda (managing ed.), M.A. Amir-Moezzi, H. Landolt, W.Madelung, O.Mir-Kasimov, A. Newman, S.Schmidtke, P.E. Walker. В 2024 вышел 11й том. Здесь - 9 книг. Файлы здесь (в комментариях)

IIS SHS 1. Daftary - A History of Shi'i Islam. 2013

IIS SHS 2. The Study of Shiʿi Islam (Miskinzoda; Daftary - ed.). 2014 / из содержания:
* M.A. Amir-Moezzi
- Reflections on the Expression dīn ʿAlī: The Origins of the Shiʿi Faith
- The Tafsīr of al-Ḥibarī (d. 286/899): Qurʾanic Exegesis and Early Shiʿi Esotericism
* F. Daftary - The Study of the Ismailis: Phases and Issues
* N. Rabbat - Al-Maqrīzī’s Connection to the Fatimid
* D. Hollenberg - The Empire Writes Back: Fatimid Ismaili Taʾwīl (Allegoresis) and the Mysteries of the Ancient Greeks
* M.M. Bar-Asher - The Authority to Interpret the Qurʾan
* E. Kohlberg - Shiʿi ḥadīth. Introduction
* R. Vilozny - Pre-Būyid Ḥadīth Literature: The Case of al-Barqī from Qumm in Twelve Sections
* G. Miskinzoda - The Story of ‘Pen and Paper’ and its Interpretation in Muslim Literary and Historical Tradition
* C. Melchert - Renunciation (Zuhd) in the Early Shiʿi Tradition
* I.K. Poonawala - The Evolution of al-Qāḍī al-Nuʿmān’s Theory of Ismaili Jurisprudence
* S.Z. al-Wazir - The Theory of Māl among the Zaydīs
* S. Rizvi - ‘Seeking the Face of God’: The Safawid Ḥikmat Tradition’s Conceptualisation of Walāya Takwīniyya
* P.E. Walker - The Role of the Imam-caliph as Depicted in Official Treatises and Documents Issued by the Fatimids
* A.J. Newman - ‘Minority Reports’: Twelver Shiʿi Disputations and Authority in the Būyid Period
* W. Madelung - Early Imāmī Theology as Reflected in the Kitāb al-kāfī of al-Kulaynī
* H. Ansari & S. Schmidtke - Al-Shaykh al-Ṭūsī: His Writings on Theology and their Reception
* S. Mervin - ʿĀshūrāʾ Rituals, Identity and Politics: A Comparative Approach (Lebanon and India)
* H. Elnazarov - The Luminous Lamp: The Practice of Chirāgh-i rawshan among the Ismailis of Central Asia
* T. Mayer - Shahrastānī’s Ḥanīf Revelation: A Shiʿi Philosophico-Hermeneutical System
* N. El-Bizri - Philosophising at the Margins of ‘Shiʿi Studies’: Reflections on Ibn Sīnā’s Ontology
* Azim Nanji - Epilogue

IIS SHS 3. Mir-Kasimov - Words of Power. H‌uru‌fi‌ Teachings between Shiʿism and Sufism. 2015

IIS SHS 4. Asatryan - Controversies in Formative Shiʾi Islam. The Ghulat Muslims and their Beliefs. 2016

IIS SHS 6. Intellectual interactions in the Islamic world. The Ismaili thread (Mir-Kasimov - ed.), 2020 /из содержания:
* F. Daftary - Sunni Perceptions of the Ismailis: Medieval Perspectives
* P.E. Walker - Ismaili Polemics Against Opponents in the Early Fatimid Period
* R. Vilozny - On the Limited Representation of the Ismailis in
al-Sadūq’s (d. 381/991) Kamāl al-Dīn
* T. Mayer - ‘The Places where the Wrestler was Thrown Down’ (Maāsari al-musāri) and the Question of Tūsī’s Rejection of his Prior Nizārī Identity
* A. Cilardo - Ismaili and Sunni Elaborations of the Sources
of Law: The Kitāb al-Majālis wa’l-musāyarāt by al-Qādī Abū Hanīfa al-Numān and the Risāla of al-Shāfiī
* M. Fierro - Sacrifice, Circumcision and the Ruler in the Medieval Islamic West: The Ismaili-Fatimid Legacy
* M. Ebstein - Human Action, Gods Will: Further Thoughts on the Divine Command (amr) in the Teachings of Muhyī al-Dīn Ibn al-Arabī
* C. Baffioni - Onto-cosmology and Hierohistory in the Manuscript Tradition of the Rasāil Ikhwān al-Safā
* D.M. Poor - Extra-Ismaili Sources and a Shift of Paradigm in Nizārī Ismailism
* J. Esots - Nature according to Hamīd al-Dīn al-Kirmānī and Mullā Sadrā: Ismaili Influence on a Twelver Thinker or Dependence on Common Sources?
* M. Asatryan - Early Ismailis and Other Muslims: Polemics and Borrowing in Kitāb al-Kashf
* D. De Smet - The Intellectual Interactions of Yemeni ayyibism with the Early Shii Tradition
* O. Mir-Kasimov - The Nizārī Ismaili Theory of the Resurrection (Qiyāma) and Post-Mongol Iranian Messianism
* N. Nourmamadchoev - Ismaili-Sufi and Ismaili-Twelver Relations in Badakhshān in the Post-Alamūt Period: The Chirāgh-nāma
* A. Iloliev - The Concept of Wilāya in Mubārak-i Wakhānī’s Chihil Dunyā: A Traditional Ismaili-Sufi Perspective on the Origins of Divine Guidance
* D. Cortese - Beyond Space and Time: The Itinerant Life of Books in the Fatimid Market Place
* W.A. Momin - On the Cusp of ‘Islamic’ and ‘Hindu’ Worldviews? The Ginān Literature and the Dialectics of Self and Other
* S.N. Virani - Spring’s Equinox: Nawrūz in Ismaili Thought
* M. Zonta - Yemeni Ismailism in Jewish Philosophy, VI/XII to XI/XVII Centuries

IIS SHS 7. Shi'i Islam and Sufism. Classical Views and Modern (Hermann;Terrier - ed.) 2020 /из содержания:
* P. Firouzeh - Between the Spiritual and Material: The Nimat Allāhī Order’s Institutionalisation and Architectural Patronage in the 9/15th Century
* F. Speziale - The mujaddid and the majdhūb: Shāh Alī Ridā and the Different Narratives of the Nimat Allāhī Renewal
* S. Golestaneh - Text and Contest: Theories of Secrecy, taqiyya and Archiving Practices in XX-XXIc. Nimat Allāhī Sufism
* M. Boivin - Sufism and Shiism in South Asia: shahādat and the Evidence of the Sindhi marthiya
* R. Yıldırım - Red Sulphur, the Great Remedy and the Supreme Name: Faith in the Twelve Imams and Shii Aspects of Alevi-Bektashi Piety
* A. Papas - The Khāksār Shii Sufi Order
* L. Ridgeon - Ajam Sufis and Shii Spirituality in XIXc. Iran
* Y. Mirdamadi & M. Arabestani - Two Khāksār Treatises of the XIXc.: The Fourteen Families (Chahārdah khānawādah) and The Booklet of Poverty (Risāla-yi faqīriyya)

IIS SHS 8. J. Esots - Patterns of Wisdom in Safavid Iran. 2021 /to the memory of Dr Esots / из содержания:
* School of Isfahan I (Mīr Dāmād)
* The Gnostic of Shiraz: Mullā Ṣadrā
* School of Isfahan II (Tabrīzī)

IIS SHS 9. The Renaissance of Shiʿi Islam. Facets of Thought and Practice (Daftary; Esots - ed.), 2022 / In memoriam Janis Esots / из содержания:
* F. Daftary - The Shiʿi Milieu of Post-Mongol Persia
* J. Badakhchani - A Reconsideration of Post-Alamūt Nizārī Ismaili Literature in Iran
* S. Virani - The Scent of the Scarlet Pimpernels: Ismaili Leaders of the 11th/17th c.
* D. De Smet - Ismaili Doctrines in a Late Safavid Work: Quotations from the Risālat al-Jāmiʿa in Quṭb al-Dīn Ashkivarī’s Maḥbūb al-Qulūb
* A. Gallagher - The Resurrection of Shah Ismāʿīl in Alevi-Bektashi Literature
* F. Usluer - Ḥurūfism after Faḍl Allāh’s Execution: Revisiting Ṣaḥīfat al-Istikhlāṣ
* O. Mir-Kasimov - Nuqṭavīs, Safavids and Shiʿism in the 9–11/15–17 c.
* M.A. Amir-Moezzi - Majlisī the Second, Ambiguous Architect of the Shiʿi Revival in Safavid Iran
* D.J. Stewart - The Akhbārī Movement and Literary Production in Safavid Iran
* R. Gleave - Postclassical Legal Commentaries: The Elaboration of Tradition in the Twelver Shiʿism of Safavid Times
* A.J. Newman - A View from the Periphery: The Ijāza as Polemic in Early 10th/16th-Century Twelver Shiʿism
* J. Esots - Mīr Dāmād’s ‘Wisdom of the Right Side’
* C. Jambet - Some Aspects of the Reception of Suhrawardī’s Philosophy by Mullā Ṣadrā
* M. Terrier - A Symphonia of Shiʿism, Philosophy and Sufism from the Late Safavid Period: Quṭb al-Dīn Ashkivarī’s Epistle on the Imaginal World (1077/1667)
* S.R. Canby - Shah Ṭahmāsp’s View of Nature, as Reflected in his Shāhnāma

IIS SHS 11. Fârès Gillon - The Book of Unveiling: Early Fatimid Ismaili Doctrine in the Kitāb al-Kashf, attributed to Jaʿfar b. Manṣūr al-Yaman.
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