мусульманский китай
из коллекции the Yale Divinity School Library, New Haven, фотографии 1936 г.
1. Mosque, Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu, 1936
2. Oldest mosque in Xian, Shaanxi, China, 1936
3. Moslem school girls, Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu, China, 1936
4. Man calling people to Moslem noon-day prayers, Ta Chia Tsz, Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu, 1936 (This man walks through the streets beating his board as well as giving the call to prayer.)
5. Roof of mosque, Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu, 1936
6. The interior of a new mosque in Peiping near the Altar of Heaven. Beijing, 1936
7. The Kumbei or tomb of a Moslem Saint named Mu. This man is one of the early founders of the Djahariah order in China. Gansu, 1936
8. The minbar in the Great Eastern Mosque. Xian, Shaanxi, 1936 (Changan)
9. Interior of mosque in Weichow, Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu, 1936
10. Mosque in Weichow, Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu, 1936
11. Entrance to cave mosque in Ts'ui Ti P'o, Gansu, 1936
12. Ornate box for carrying the Koran during a funeral, Xian, Shaanxi, 1936
13. Interior of cave mosque at Ts'ui Ti P'o, Gansu, 1936
14. Grave of leader of Djaharia Order of Chinese Islam, Hung Lo Fu, Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu, 1936
15. Minaret of the chief mosque in Xining, Qinghai, 1936
16. Minaret of mosque along street in T'ung Hsin Chen, Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu, 1936