
особый город для моей мифологии: те же согласные, кроме главной; его "визитная карточка" - пианист; единств. в Сев.Америке музей исламского искусства (Ага Хана); масса пунктирных нитей - от событий в личной жизни до фагота и башни... Любезная dasha_daria прислала картинку: Trefann Street, December 1970 Vello Hubel (1927 - ). Pastel and black felt pen on light grey wove paper. Toronto Public Library This small street is in the historic "Corktown" neighbourhood near downtown Toronto. The area is so named for early Irish settlers, who had, within walking distance, work at Gooderham & Worts distillery, schools, a tavern, and two churches: Little Trinity Anglican and St. Paul's Roman Catholic, pictured here. Today Trefann is a model of blending the old with the new. Victorian row houses line one side of the street and reproductions the other: only a discerning eye can tell the difference.
