Evola, "Ungern-Sternberg, the "bloodthirsty Baron"
The book of Ferdinand Ossendowski, "Bêtes, Hommes ET Dieux", whose Italian translation finishes being reedited, knew an ample diffusion when it appeared in 1924. Who have read this work has been generally sensible to the story of the eventful journeys of the shaken trip that Ossendowski made in 1921-1922, through central Asia, to flee from the Bolsheviks, but also to which it refers about an exception personage which it found, baron Ungern-Sternberg, without forgetting what it was said to him with regard to the "King of the World". We wished to return here on these last points.
In Asia, a myth species would have been created around Ungern-Sternberg, until the point of which it would have been adored in certain temples of Mongolia like a manifestation of the God of the war. A novelada biography to Ungern, appeared in German with the title "Ich exists in addition befehle" ("I order") (1), whereas interesting data on their personality, provided by the head of the artillery of the Division of Ungern have been published in the French magazine Études Traditionnelles. We ourself we had occasion of oir to speak directly of Sternberg by its brother, who had to be victim of a tragic destiny: having escaped to the Bolsheviks and returned to Europe through Asia after all class of incredible vicissitudes, he and its woman they were assassinated by an imprisoned doorman of madness when Vienna was
occupied in 1945.
Ungern-Sternberg belonged to an old Baltic family of origin vikingo. Russian official, commanded in Asia, at the moment at which the revolution exploded Bolshevik, numerous cavalry regiments, that little by little ended up becoming a true army. Ungern decided to fight with this one the red subversion until the last possibilities. It operated from the Tíbet; and he was he who released to the Tíbet of the Chinese, that at the time had occupied a part of their territory. It maintained in addition narrow relations with Dalai-Lama, after it to have released.
The things took such magnitude that finished worrying to the Bolsheviks seriously, who, regularly defeated, were forced to organize a campaign of great spread, under the command of the "red Napoleón", general Blücher. After some bumps, Ungern was overcome, favoring this the treason of some Czechoslovakian regiments. Numerous contradictory versions of the death of Ungern exist, but nothing precise is known. Be as it is, is tried that it had an exact advance knowledge of his own death, as well as of certain particular circumstances: for example, it would have guessed that would be hurt in the assault to Urga.
Two aspects of Sternberg interest to us here. First it concerns his personality, that presents/displays a mixture of singular characteristics. Man of an exceptional prestige and an anger without limits, was also of a ruthless, inexorable cruelty towards the enemy Bolsheviks, their mortals. Of there the sobrename that was imposed to him: the "bloodthirsty baron".
It is possible that a great passion "had burned" in him all human element, not letting subsist more in its person than an indifferent force to the life and the death. At the same time, we found in Ungern almost mystical characteristics. Before to even go to Asia it professed the Buddhism (which is not reduced to a humanitarian moral doctrine), and the relations that maintained with the representatives of the tibetana tradition not limited the outer, political and military dominion, within the framework of the mentioned events previously. Ungern had certain supranormal faculties: some witnesses have spoken of a species of clarividencia that would allow him to read in the soul of the other, according to a as exact perception as the relative ones to the physical things.
The second point concerns the ideal defended by Ungern. The combat against the Bolshevism would have been the signal of one more a vaster action. According to Ungern, the Bolshevism was not an independent phenomenon, but the last and inevitable consequence of involutivos processes that have been verified for a long time in the western civilization. Like long ago Metternich, it exactly perceived a continuity between the different phases and forms from the world-wide subversion, from the French Revolution. However, according to Ungern also, the reaction would have to start off of east, a faithful to its spiritual traditions and united east, as opposed to the threatening danger, with all those that had been able of a rebellion against the modern world. The first task would have consisted of eliminating the Bolshevism and releasing Russia.
He is interesting, on the other hand, knowledge that, according to numerous to a certain extent worthy sources of faith, Ungern, turned liberating and the protective one of the Tíbet, would have maintained then, in views to this plan, some secret contacts with the representatives of the main traditional forces, not only of India, but of Japan and the Islam. One was little by little to make the defensive and offensive solidarity of a world still not hurt of death by the materialism and the subversion.
Now let us look at the second problem, the one of the "King of the World". Ossendowski affirmed that you lick them and the heads of central Asia had occasion to speak to him of the existence of a mysterious inspirador center denominated Agarttha, calls to account of the "King of the World". Such center would be underground and be able to communicate, by means of "channels" located under the continents and the oceans, with all the Earth regions. In the form in which Ossendowski speaks of it, these information present/display a too imaginative character. It is precise to recognize the merit of René Guénon to have put of relief, in his book Him Roi du Monde, the true content of these stories, not without indicating this significant detail: d'Alveydre is the same mysterious center in the posthumous work of Saint-Yves titled mission DES Indes, appeared in 1910, and this work was not well-known by Ossendowski.
What it is necessary to include/understand is that the idea of an underground center (difficult to conceive, although is not but because of the lodging and of the supplying, from the moment at which it is not lived by pure spirits) must rather be translated by the idea of a "invisible center". As far as the "King of the World" that would reside there, this us reenvía to the general conception of a government or an invisible control of world or history; the fantastic reference to the "subteráneos channels" that allow this center to communicate with numerous countries must be equally desmaterializada: in fact, one is the influences, exerted, by thus saying, "between frames", by this center.
Nevertheless, if all it is even understood in that more concrete form, they do not let appear serious problems, no matter how little one relies on the facts. It is certain that the offered spectacle of more or less precise form by our planet as soon as it indicates the idea to us of the existence of this "King of the World" and of his influences, admitting that these would have to be positive and rectificativas.
You lick them would have said to Ossendowski: "the King of the World will appear before the men when the moment has arrived for guiding all the good ones in the war against the bad ones. But this time not yet has come ". One is the adaptation of a traditional subject that here also it was known in the West until the Average Age.
What is truely interesting it is that this order of ideas has been presented/displayed to Ossendowski in the Tíbet, by you lick and the heads of these regions, like deriving from an esoteric education. And the crude way rather in which Ossendowski refers what it was to him saying, inserting it in the story of its peregrinations, indeed allows to think that it does not treat, on the other hand, of a personal chimera.
(1) original Edition: Berndt Krauthof, Ich befehle, Tauchnitz Verlag,
Brême, 1938;
2(a) ed.: Leipzig, 1942.