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13 из 18 книг Ismaili Heritage Series ( I.B. Tauris & Институт Исмаилитских Исследований) под редакцией Дафтари. нумерация не соответствует)
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1. A Modern History of the Ismailis (Daftary-ed). I.B.Tauris&IIS 2011
из содержания:
* Dick Douwes - Modern History of the Nizari Ismailis of Syria
* H. Elnazarov & S.Aksakolov - The Nizari Ismailis of Central Asia in Modern Times
* Amier Saidula - The Nizari Ismailis of China in Modern Times
* Ali S. Asani - From Satpanthi to Ismaili Muslim: The Articulation of Ismaili Khoja Identity in South Asia
* Zulfikar Hirji - The Socio-Legal Formation of the Nizari Ismailis of East
Africa, 1800–1950
* Saifiyah Qutbuddin - History of the Daʾudi Bohra Tayyibis in Modern Times: The Daʿis, the Daʿwat and the Community
* Tahera Qutbuddin - The Daʾudi Bohra Tayyibis: Ideology, Literature, Learning and Social Practice

2. Daftary - Ismailis in Medieval Muslim Societies. I.B.Tauris&IIS 2005

3. Daftary - The Fatimid Caliphate. Diversity of Traditions. I.B.Tauris&IIS 2017

4. Dagiev - Central Asian Ismailis. An Annotated Bibliography Of Russian, Tajik & Other Sources. I.B.Tauris&IIS 2022

5. Jamal Eboo - Surviving the Mongols.The Continuity of Ismaili Tradition in Persia. I.B.Tauris&IIS 2002

6. Heinz Halm - The Fatimids and Their Traditions of Learning. I.B.Tauris&IIS 2001

7. Hamdani - Between Revolution and State. Qadi Al-Nu'man and the construction of Fatimid legitimacy. I.B.Tauris&IIS 2006

8. Hunsberger - Nasir Khusraw. The Ruby of Badakhshan. I.B.Tauris&IIS 2000

9. Yasmin Khan - Memoirs of a mission: A Reading Guide.IIS

10. Verena Klemm - Memoirs of a Mission.The Ismaili Scholar, Statesman and Poet, al-Mu'yyad fi'l Din al-Shiraz. I.B.Tauris&IIS 2004

11. Farouk Mitha - Al-Ghaza‌li‌ and the Ismailis.A debate on reason. I.B.Tauris&IIS 2001

12. Paul E. Walker - Exploring an Islamic Empire. Fatimid History and its Sources. I.B.Tauris&IIS 2002

13. Paul E. Walker - Hamid Al-Din Al-Kirmani. Ismaili Muslim Thought in the Age of al-Hakim. I.B.Tauris&IIS 1999

14. Willey - The Eagles Nest. Ismaili Castles In Iran & Syria. I.B.Tauris&IIS 2005


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