Julius Evola

* Grundrisse der faschistischen rassenlehre/ pdf (1943) источник

* Légionnarisme ascétique - Rencontre avec le chef des "Gardes de fer" (1938)
* Le baron von Ungern (1938)
* L'Arc et la Massue / pdf
* Jünger et l'irruption de l'élémentaire dans l'espace bourgeois (extrait de L'"Operaio" nel pensiero di Ernst Jünger, 1974)

* Evola Frente Al Fatalismo
* Sobre la determinación ario-romana de la Italia fascista (Il Regime Fascista, 16.11.1941)
* Conversaciones de sobremesa con Hitler

* Arte astratta: Posizione teorica, 10 poemi, 4 composizioni. (Rome: P. Maglione & G. Strini, 1920)
* Significato e funzione della monarchia ("La monarchia nello Stato moderno" di Karl Loewenstein, G. Volpe ed. - Roma, 1969)
* L'esperienza metafisica nella poesia di Arturo Onofri 1930 (pdf)
* Dioniso e la via della “Mano Sinistra” (zip / pdf)
* Introduzione a: "La crisi del mondo moderno" di René Guénon 1953 (pdf)
* Mussolini e il razzismo link html

Râaga Blanda
Knowledge of the Symbolfrom Introduction to Magic
Abraxas Knowlege the Watersfrom Introduction to Magic
René Guénon: East & West
The Active Nihilism of Friedrich Nietzsche
Do We Live in a Gynaecocratic Society
Rome against Etruria
Scholasticism and the Spirit of Modernity
Varieties of Ascesis
Race & War
The Individual and the Becoming of the World1925
on Giovanni Gentile Essays in Magical Idealism, 1925 / link
on Carlo Michelstaedter 1 / 2 Essays in Magical Idealism, 1925 / link
Chapter 6 Essays in Magical Idealism, 1925 / link
Aleister Crowleyfrom Maschera e volto dello spiritualismo contemporaneo, pdf
Karma and Reincarnationfrom Maschera e volto dello spiritualismo contemporaneo, pdf
Advice to the Popefrom Maschera e volto dello spiritualismo contemporaneo
Fascism and the Traditional Political Idea
Spiritual and Structural Presuppositions of the European Union
The Concept of Initiation
Action, Contemplation and the Western Tradition1927-29
Ungern-Sternberg, the "bloodthirsty Baron
The Overcoming of the Superman 1930
The Concept of Initiation 1930 (?)
What is Spanish FalangismChe cosa vuole il “Falangismo” spagnolo, 1937
Birth and Essence of the Modern Myths1936 / link
The Subterranean History of Rome 1939 / html
The Spirit of Roman Civilization 1940 / link
The Defeat and the Future of France 1942 / html
Self-Defense Statement 1951
Ernst Jünger’s Der gordische Knoten 1952
Men Among The Ruinspdf
Gentile Is Not Our Philosopherfrom Ordine Nuovo I, July-August 1955
The Third Sex & Democracy link html
L'Arco e la Clava"Youth, Beats and Right-Wing Anarchists", XVI / 1968
A Justified Pessimism (interview 1960s)1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Nihilism and the Meaning of Life in Nietzsche 1971
Masters of the Right: Joseph de MaistreIl Conciliatore, 1972 / pdf
Historiography of the Rightpubl. in the journal “Roma” 1973 / html
Vampirism and Vampirespubl. in the journal “Roma” 1973 / html
Zen & the Westlink
Race and the Myth of the Origins of Rome html
Letters to Eliadehtml
* about Evola