...досуществовалась: вчера убили на митинге: выстрелом и взрывом. Выступая, она успела сказать: зачем нам здесь иностранцы? мы справимся сами. В 31 год она говорила: I am not afraid of death. My religion teaches that I will rejoin my father and my brother when I die.
дочь иранской шиитки, она была для многих "an icon for democracy in Pakistan"
сообщили, что ответственность взял
Peshawar, Dec 29: An alleged al Qaeda leader Baitullah Mehsud, blamed by the government for killing Benazir Bhutto, denied any involvement in her death, his spokesman told AFP. "We express our deep grief and shock over her death”/ “He had no involvement in this attack,” spokesman Maulana Omar said in a telephone call. “This is a conspiracy of the government, army and intelligence agencies.” The spokesman said he was calling from Waziristan. “It is against tribal tradition and custom to attack a woman,” Omar said. "We express our deep grief and shock over her death,” Omar said.
сейчас у меня на этой стр ничего нет - не знаю почему... но совсем недавно там была статья Death of Bhutto: A day of joy, а в ней, среди прочего, такие слова:
Benazir Bhutto was Ismaa’eeli and not even a Muslimah, therefore people should renew their views about her. In a speech she made today, there was a patch on her arm with the words ‘Yaa Ali’ written on it, thus affirming her shirkiyyaat (idolism) of appealing to Ali, which is a familiar sign of the Shee’ah Raafidah.
27/12/2007: Osama bin Laden will release an Internet message.. But it was signed by As-Sahab, the production branch that releases al-Qaida messages.
3/11/2007: Benazir Bhutto said in an interview with a British TV that the plan to assassinate her during the homecoming parade in Karachi on October 18 was the handiwork of Hamza bin Laden, the son of Osama bin Laden.
2/11/2007: In this interview Benazir says that Bin Laden was murdered.
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