Книги в Телеграмме 3: ислам


1. Mysticism and Sacred Scripture. OUP 2000
из содержания:
* M. Idel - The Zohar as Exegesis
* P. Awn - Classical Sufi Approaches to Scripture
* W.C. Chittick - Ibn al-‘Arabi’s Hermeneutics of Mercy
* A. Sharma - Sacred Scriptures and the Mysticism of Advaita Vedanta
* B.A. Holdrege - The Devotional Mysticism of the Bhagavata Purana
* N. Smart - Mysticism and Scripture in Theravada Buddhism
* L. Kohn - Tao, World and Mind: Mystical Adaptations of the Taoist Classics

2. The Cambridge Handbook of Western Mysticism and Esotericism. OUP 2016
из содержания:
* J. Godwin - Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism
* J.E.Decker, M. Mayock - Parmenides and Empedocles
* D. Arbel - Early Jewish Mysticism
* W.C. Chittick - Sufism
* B. Ogren - Kabbalah
* A.L. Clark - Hildegard of Bingen and Women’s Mysticism
* A.Faivre - Renaissance Hermetism
* P.J. Forshaw - Christian Kabbalah
* B.T. Moran - Paracelsianism
* H. Tilton - Rosicrucianism
* G.A. Magee - Jacob Boehme and Christian Theosophy
* J.A.M. Snoek - Freemasonry
* J. Williams-Hogan - Swedenborg and Swedenborgianism
* E. Asprem - The Golden Dawn and the O.T.O.
* G.A. Magee - Gurdjieff and the 4th Way
* G. Wehr - C. G. Jung and Jungianism
* M. Sedgwick - René Guénon and Traditionalism
* A. Versluis - Via Negativa in the XX Century
* Ch.S. Clifton - Contemporary Paganism
* O. Hammer - The New Age
* W.J. Hanegraaff - Magic
* J.-P. Brach - Mathematical Esotericism
* L. Irwin - Panpsychism
* Hugh B. Urban - Sexuality

3. The innate capacity. mysticism, psychology & philosophy. OUP 1998
из содержания:
* R. Corless - Parables of Deconstruction in the Lotus Sutra
* W.Chittick - Between the Yes and the No: Ibn al-'Arabi on Wujud and the Innate Capacity
* J. Robertson Price III - Mysticism, Mediation, and Consciousness: The Innate Capacity in John Ruusbroec
* J. Dourley - The Innate Capacity: Jung and the Mystical Imperative

4. Transmutatio. The Hermetic Way to Happiness. Quaderni di Studi Indo-Mediterranei V, 2012 Ed. dell' Orso
из содержания:
* C. Testa - «Nel Mutare mettiti incammino»: i Sonetti a Orfeo di Rilke come ermeneutica del mondo
* M. Jevolella - Nawabit: i “germogli” della Città Eccellente
in Al-Farabi, Ibn Bagga, e nella tradizione platonica che li ispirò
* P. Lory - «Tu es ce que tu comprends»: Jabir ibn Hayyan et la transmutation alchimique en Islam
* W. Chittick - Islam and the Transformative Power of Love
* M. Soresina - Il Flauto magico di Mozart: la via massonica alla felicità
* P. Laude - Neither One nor Two: Transmutation, the Sacred Word and the Feminine
* D. Boccassiniw - «O mon Iran, où es-tu?» inedito di Henry Corbin

5. Universal Dimensions of Islam (Patrick Laude-ed.), World Wisdom 2011
[под влиянием Aguéli, чья статья есть в этом сб., Генон принял ислам]
из содержания:
* F. Schuon - Outline of the Islamic Message
* T. Burckhardt - Sufism and Mysticism
* M. Lings - The Universality of Sufism
* R. Guénon - The Mysteries of the Letter Nūn
* Emir ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Jazā’irī - The God Conditioned by Belief
* T. Chouiref - The Shaykh Ahmad al-‘Alawī and the Universalism of the Qur’ān: Translation of his Commentary on Verse 2:62
* A. Hampaté Bâ - Religion Is One in Its Essence: The Spiritual Teaching of Tierno Bokar
* S.H. Nasr - An Interview on Islam and Inter-religious Dialogue
* W.C. Chittick - The Koran as the Lover’s Mirror
* R. Shah-Kazemi - The Holy Qur’ān and the Metaphysics of Ibn al-‘Arabī
* M. Ali Lakhani - "Neither of the East nor of the West”: Universality in Islam
* S. Murata - Islamic Learning in Confucian Terms
* S. Nair - Images of Divine Unity and Religious Diversity: A Selection from Mīr Findiriskī’s Commentary on the Laghu-Yoga-Vāsiṣṭha
* Abdul Hadi (Ivan Aguéli) - Universality in Islam

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