книги в Телеграме

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В 2000 г. лондонский Институт Исмаилитских Исследований совместно с изд-м I.B.Tauris начал публикацию Ismaili Texts and Translations Series (Editorial Board: Daftary - gen. ed., W.Madelung - consul. ed., H.Halm, Hamdani, Landolt, Mehdi Mohaghegh, Mottahedeh, A.Nanji, I.K. Poonawala, P.E. Walker). В прошлом году вышел 28й том (представленный здесь лишь вступительной статьей). Из 25 переводов на англ. здесь - 23 книги (некоторые были, стер). Нумерация серии. Файлы в комментариях

IIS ITTS 1. Ibn Al-Haytham. The advent of the Fatimids. A Contemporary Shi'i Witness. (Madelung, Walker- tr.,ed.).2000

IIS ITTS 2. Shahrastaní - Kitab al-Musa'ra. Struggling With the Philosopher.
A Refutation of Avicenna’s Metaphysics (Madelung & Inati - tr.,ed.) 2001

IIS ITTS 3. Mansur al-Yaman. The Master and the Disciple. An Early Islamic Spiritual Dialogue (Morris - tr). 2001

IIS ITTS 4. Idrīs ʿImād al-Dīn - The Fatimids and their Successors in Yaman (A.F.Sayyid,P.E. Walker - tr.,ed.). 2002

IIS ITTS 5. Naṣir al-Dīn Ṭūsī' - Rawḍa-yi taslīm. The Paradise of Submission. (Badakhchani - tr.,ed.). 2005

IIS ITTS 6. al-Qāḍī al-Nuʿmān - Iftitāḥ al-Daʿwa. Founding the Fatimid State (Haji - tr). 2006

IIS ITTS 8. Naysābūrī - A Code of Conduct. A Treatise on the Etiquette of the Fatimid Ismaili Mission (Klemm, Walker - ed.,tr.). 2011

IIS ITTS 9. Kirmānī. Master of the Age. An Islamic Treatise on the Necessity of the Imamate (Walker - tr.). 2007

IIS ITTS 10. Orations of the Fatimid Caliphs. Festival Sermons Of the Ismaili Imams (Walker - tr.,ed.). 2009

IIS ITTS 11. al-Maqrīzī - Towards a Shi`i Mediterranean Empire. Fatimid Egypt & the Founding of Cairo.The reign of the Imam-caliph al-Muʿizz (Jiwa - tr.) 2009

IIS ITTS 13. Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī. Shiʿi Interpretations of Islam. Three Treatises on Theology and Eschatology. Solidarity and Dissociation (Badakhchani -tr.). 2010

IIS ITTS 14. al-Muʾayyad al-Shīrāzī - Dīwān. Mount of Knowledge. Sword of Eloquence (Adra - tr.). 2011

IIS ITTS 15. al-Naysābūrī. Degrees of Excellence. A Fatimid Treatise on Leadership (Lalani - tr.). 2010

IIS ITTS 16. Inside the Immaculate Portal. A History from Early Fatimid (H.Haji - ed.) 2012

IIS ITTS 17. Nāṣir-i Khusraw - Between reason and revelation. Kitāb-i Jāmiʻ al-ḥikmatayn (Ormsby - tr.). 2012

IIS ITTS 18. al-Qāḍī al-Nuʿmān. Cilardo -The Early History of Ismaili Jurisprudence. 2012 (+ см. Poonawala - review в Culture & Memory In Medieval Islam (https://t.me/trans_fa/1146))

IIS ITTS 20. Caliph-Imam al-Manṣūr Bi’llāh - The Shiʿi Imamate (Makarem - tr.,ed.) 2013

IIS ITTS 21. Idrīs ‘Imād al-Dīn. The Founder of Cairo. The Fatimid Imam-Caliph al-Muʿizz and his Era (Jiwa - tr)

IIS ITTS 22. al-Walīd - al-Risāla al-mufīda. Avicenna’s Allegory on the Soul. An Ismaili Interpretation (T.Mayer - tr.,Madelung - ed.). 2016

IIS ITTS 24. The First Aga Khan. Memoirs of the 46th Ismaili Imam (Daniel Beben - ed.,transl.) The 'Ibrat-afza, `A Book of Exhortation, or Example', new edition of the Persian text and a detailed introduction to the work and its context.

IIS ITTS 25. al-Shahrastānī. Command and Creation. A Shi'i Cosmological Treatise (Poor - tr.), 2021

IIS ITTS 26. Affirming the Imamate. Early Fatimid Teachings (Madelung, Walker-tr.,ed.). 2021

IIS ITTS 28. Nāṣir-i Khusraw - Khwān al-Ikhwān (Rahim Gholami - tr.)

1. Chittick - Ibn ‘Arabi. Oneworld Publ 2005 (дубль в др. формате)

2. Chittick - Mysticism vs Philosophy in earlier Islamic History. The Al–Tūsi, Al–Qūnawi correspondence. 1981

3. Death and Afterlife. Perspectives of World Religions. (H.Obayashi - ed.). Praeger Publishers 1992
из содержания:
* G. C. Bond - Living with Spirits: Death and Afterlife in African Religions
* R. Goldenberg - Bound Up in the Bond of Life: Death and Afterlife in the Jewish Tradition
* T.J. Hopkins - Hindu Views of Death and Afterlife
* F.E. Reynolds - Death as Threat, Death as Achievement: Buddhist Perspectives with Particular Reference to the Theravada Tradition
* E. Benard - The Tibetan Tantric View of Death and Afterlife
* J. A. Berling - Death and Afterlife in Chinese Religions

4. Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Mystical Perspectives on the Love of God. S.T. Hidden - ed. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004
из содержания:
* G. C. Bond - Living with Spirits: Death and Afterlife in African Religions
* R. Goldenberg - Bound Up in the Bond of Life: Death and Afterlife in the Jewish Tradition
* T.J. Hopkins - Hindu Views of Death and Afterlife
* F.E. Reynolds - Death as Threat, Death as Achievement: Buddhist Perspectives with Particular Reference to the Theravada Tradition
* E. Benard - The Tibetan Tantric View of Death and Afterlife
* J. A. Berling - Death and Afterlife in Chinese Religions

5. Muhammad In The Mirror Of Islam (Chittick, Nasr-tr.)

6. Mysticism and the mystical experience. East and West. Bishop - ed., 1995
из содержания:
*. W. Steinkraus - Quaker Mysticism
* E. Wolfson
Varieties of Jewish Mysticism: A Typological Analysis
* P. Allen - American Indian Mysticism
* Kuang-Ming Wu - Chinese Mysticism
* L. Kawamura - Mysticism in a Buddhist Context
* B. Gupta & C. Lucas - Hindu Mysticism
* W. Chittick - Islamic Mysticism
* Kori Opoku - African Mysticism
